In 1943, while searching for oil, researchers discovered the thermal water that formed the basis of the spa, which opened in 1955. The thermal water rises from a depth of 2311 m and has a temperature of 82 oC. From the very beginning, it was found to have an intensive healing effect on musculoskeletal disorders, injuries, rheumatic and gynaecological complaints. From the initial 2 pools, it has come a long way to the spa of today.
In 1975, as a result of the increase in traffic and the number of pools, another 67 oC thermal water well was drilled at a depth of 1159 m. Subsequently, as a result of lengthy medical tests, the water from both thermal water wells was certified as medicinal water. Currently the spa is supplied by 3 cold water wells and the 2 thermal wells mentioned above. From 1998 onwards, a major investment programme was launched.
The 2 thermal pools have been renovated and a new one has been built. Various experience elements have been installed, including back and neck massage units and a whirlpool air supply. A new adventure pool has been built, which attracts not only those who want to heal and relax, but also the younger generation. The pool is equipped with a whirlpool, a back and neck massager and, to the delight of children, 6 slides and a jet that, when filled with water, automatically falls into the pool. There is also a sand football, sand volleyball and foot tennis court. The children's pool has been renovated and a 25 x 12.5 m teaching pool has been built.
The new women's and men's showers, toilets and changing rooms are located in the immediate vicinity.In 2003, the wave bath was completed, equipped with a water purification system.Another changing room and toilet block unit was completed. The swimming pool has also been renovated and is equipped with a water mirror and a water purification system. The spa is winter-summer operational. In the winter, guests can relax in 3 indoor swimming pools with different temperatures, a spa pool with whirlpool, back and waist massagers and a swimming pool. The winter spa building is connected by a heated corridor to the new spa centre, which is open to visitors by appointment and individually.
We also built a two-lane tarpaulin slide, the only one of its kind in the country. The 4.6 hectare spa and beach baths are connected to catering facilities serving hot and cold food and drinks, an automatic bowling alley and a mini-golf course.